These days as more and more lives are converting from the so called Paper-Life to E-Life and many new websites/portals/blogs coming up every day. Each day billions of webspace is consumed by these websites and by the people who enter their information and stuff on it. But the saddest part is that everything starts off very well, with people visiting these websites again and again as they keep on updating the information. But contrary to a phoenix which burns itself into Ashes and comes back to life again, people stop visiting those pages after some time and slowly happens what was inevitable. All the moments/feelings which they had shared with their close buddies come to demise. But the end is not here. These all pages keep on floating into the deserted corners and forlorn paths of the webspace. I still, very well remember many websites/portals on which I made my account and provided all the information it asked and I filled all that with sincerity and enthusiasm but as it was destined I never went back to those pages after some time.
Ironically, that’s not the case with Paper Life. As the days pass, people get more and more attached to the pages on which they had written their experiences, poured out their soul into those pages and people try to cling to those pages for the rest of their life and keep them as memoir.
So, may be it will be a good time that we went back to those pages that we had made for a special memory and make something useful and worth remembering out of it.