Disclaimer: This is neither a counterfeited title from any book nor I am being either funny or sarcastic here. But this is what exactly happened.
Let me rewind my memory disc a few weeks back so that I can recite my tale. Ahha! Got it. Now we are on the right album. Let me play the tracks and you will witness the series of events that took place. But before that, a friendly yet necessary advice - please put on your seatbelts/helmets otherwise you may also be the victim (just kidding).
Journey Begins……
Track 1 - Monday Morning Madness: Tring! Tring! Tring! “Solu Wake up!” Alarm clock was ringing madly and slowly I opened my eyes and looked at Alarm clock. 8:30 AM. Shit!! I was supposed to reach office till 8:30am. To add to my woes, it was winter morning which can make even a cheetah, lazy. Time for ‘Getting ready in 15 min’ schedule, I thought. And so, on 8:50am, like a rider of some MotoGP race I was racing with time, cutting shortcuts from here and there on my way to office. Suddenly, I saw an open Manhole and with screeching sound my bike came to a halt and out of nowhere came a bike & hit me on my ankle and the very next moment I was on the ground, with my bike on me!
Track 2 - No! No! No Plaster Please!: Phew! Not even a scratch, Wow! I said and stood up. But Damn! I was so wrong. Next moment a very sharp throbbing pain arose and I was again on the ground. Till this time, there was a huge traffic jam. Without thinking much I asked the other bike guy to leave and my roomie took me to a nearby hospital for first aid. The doctor started his standard procedure and after 2 X-Rays and 3 hours it was confirmed that I had a swelling in my bone and had to undergo Plaster Treatment to avoid fracture development. What a perfect way to start to start the week! Fuck!!
Track 3 – Fortuitous Fiesta: Lost in the thoughts while lying on my bed at around 12noon, my fren Puneet asked, “Whats’ Next?” I replied coolly, Home! So we informed our colleagues and he went off. Feeling bored I switched on my PC and suddenly a thought came to my mind. Let’s tell all my frens about my mishap. These days Facebook comes in so Handy! Within no time, I took a picture of mine and uploaded on Facebook. Suddenly, my phone rang and on it flashed my sister’s name. “Ankur, you are coming home within a week, I will talk to dad and he will arrange all the flight tickets, Make no delay” And so my Fortuitous Fiesta had started.
Track 4 – Heavenly Haven: So, with Broken Leg I finally set out for my yearned vacation at my haven. First I went to Bombay wherein my cousin came to take me and then I was off for Airport. Next, I took a flight and within few hours I was landing in Delhi. My sister was waiting impatiently for me. She was elated to see me walking though with much difficulty. A royal treatment was waiting for me on the Airport premises wherein I got assisted by 2 men who were sent by my father which took me safely to my home, my Haven!